Thursday, November 20, 2008

One Life. Live It.

No, I'm not advertising for M1. I'm saying, you've got only one life. Live it. It's really a great motto that I think everybody should follow. Isn't it true? Don't you agree with me?
In this one life that you have, that you're living right now, you've got to really live. Do what you should do, because it's the right thing to do.
Have you noticed something with recent blog posts? That we aren't providing as much information about saving the Earth in them now as we are trying to convince you to try? Huh? It's not because we're lazy to provide you information. It's because we know that unless people start listening (or, in this case, reading) we aren't going to make a difference by telling you how to do it. What's the use of knowledge that goes unused?

Just one extra tip that I'll squeeze in here: ours is not the only site you can find 'Save The Earth' messages on. It's not the only place you'll see where people are trying to get the message across the public. There are so many different organizations and big companies out there who are doing something like this for a good cause: our home.
Look out for these places and actually go there. Or, if you're all THAT lazy, you can always simply take note of how many people are saying the same thing as we are. Now, I say 'how many people' a lot, don't I? Well, see here, there's a problem. Do you know what it is?

It's that there aren't enough people trying.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Some things just CAN'T be ignored.....

Namely, the creatures of this earth. Yes, that includes you, your friends, your family...etc. What I'm saying is, how can you be so heartless? Ok, maybe not you, but humans in general. How can humans know that the earth with all its beautiful creatures is slowly being destroyed and not do anything to help? But instead worsen the problem? If you're one of those such people, I'm personally ashamed that you and I are of the same species and hope that you feel terribly guilty. Change your ways now!
Or perhaps you're one of those people who say "Yeah! Save the earth! Go green!" but don't mean it? One of those people who, in a moment of comfort and luxury, forget their promise. Once again, I'm ashamed to be of your species. Please, mean what you say. Don't get our hopes up only to let them come crashing down.
Its not too late if we ALL work together and do our part.

Now, this may seem odd, but I'm going to quote something I heard on the radio:
We've all got 1 life.
What are you doing with yours?

Take a good long look at the following photos.

What have you done?
What are you doing?
What are you gonna do?

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sharing the same Home

If one of your family members, someone who lived with you, shared the same home as you were dying, would you bother to try to save him or her? Of course you would. But if that home happened to mean the entire planet, and that someone living with you were an animal, would your answer be the same?

Come to think of it, the Earth is our home, and we are living with the animals, sharing the same home as them. So why has it been forced into most human minds that the Earth belongs to humans and the animals are simply borrowing it from us? Some animals existed even before the human population came about! So why such selfishness?

Whatever it is, it has to stop now. We have to save endangered animals from extinction and other animals from endangerment itself!