Saturday, April 18, 2009

Deep, DEEP trouble

Ok, so one of the reasons we should save the earth is because of the animals, right? All of you should know that. If you don't......where have you been these past few years? Anyways, I'm not sure if you guys know the seriousness of the situation some animals are in. Just for you to get an idea, here are some animals that are in trouble. Big trouble.

The Polar Bear. Numbers remaining: fewer than 25, 000

The Black-Footed Ferret. Numbers remaining: about 1,000

The Giant Panda. Numbers remaining: fewer than 2,000

The Borneo Pygmy Elephant. Numbers remaining: about 1, 500

Mekong Giant Catfish. Numbers remaining: hundreds

Cross River Gorilla: fewer than 300

Vaquita. Numbers remaining: 200-300

Sumatran Tiger. Numbers remaining: fewer than 600

Golden-Headed Langur. Numbers remaining: fewer than 70

Javan Rhinoceros: fewer than 60

I don't know about you, but I got really freaked out when I read all that. Imagine. These animals are almost extinct. All the more we chould do something now, before its too late.

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