Thursday, June 26, 2008

8 Days Cares!

Yup. Go pick up a copy if you like. I don't care. It's happening!

I like to think of going green as a trend. One that's gonna save the world, so we go with the flow and reduce our carbon trail. 

You're probably sick of hearing us talk about the destruction of Global Warming, so talk about something else for a moment.

Now I know everyone has at least heard of one way to stop GW (Global Warming, for those who have not yet actually figured it out). Here's what I like to do:

Hiya! Welcome to Rachel's guide to gaining total harmony with nature. Here are some ways I like to save the planet.

1. My family has a table out on the patio, and instead of staying cooped inside with the air-con/fan on, I've found a way to be even more environmentally concious! I bring my work outside, so I can be with my dog, enjoy the garden and fresh air, and use the best natural source of light – the sun. 

2. I'm a big fan of recycling, and since there are no recycling bins in my house or anywhere around, I stock up the stuff I want to recycle, then take it to a place where I can recycle it. That's a great way to recycle even if you, like me, don't have any way to recycle at home.

3. Our family watches shows on one telly, especially if its the same shows we want to watch.

4. Every switch in my room except the one connecting to the phone is off by the time I leave the house in the morning. It's a great way to save electricity, so just try it!

5. I take the shortest baths I can possibly take. My record time for soaping, shampooing, rinsing, conditioning and rinsing again is 3 minutes. It took me alot of practice, believe me!

6. Both sides of papers are used when I'm around. Any pieces of scrap are recycled. When I use coloured paper and I have scraps, I keep them to use them again whenever I want.

7. I don't buy drinks in plastic bottles. Plastic drink bottles have a tremendously horrible impact on the Earth. At least metal cans can be recycled!

That's just a bit of the suggestions I have. There'll be more on the way!

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