Never seen that word before? It has a couple of meanings, one of which is 'a mix of many different things'. What does that have to do with Earth, you ask me next.
Recently, I went to a park near my house, and I saw so many healthy trees in there, helping us all to have enough oxygen to breathe. I snapped pictures - yes, that's the picture on the left of these words- because I knew that people in the world like to see something natural and intrinsic once in a while. Even the most industrious businessman will know what true Nature is when he sees it, and with the urbanization of the world these days, some/most don't take the time to take a stroll in the park to enjoy seeing all the greenery - like the scene I shot that I uploaded above.
If we don't treasure these little places on Earth and make sure that they are still in existence 50 years down the road or so...
Remember this: once they're gone, they're never coming back. What's done can't be undone, so we have to prevent it from happening.
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