Ok everyone, listen up!
It is common knowledge now that we are slowly ruining Mother Earth. How?
Global Warming. The greenhouse effect. Us human beings producing just too much carbon dioxide.
This is causing climate change. That, as you may have guessed, is the change of climate. Of weather. More freak storms, higher temperatures..etc. But recently, I found that isn't the only effect.
Human emissions of C02 is also causing...(drumroll)...the alteration of the chemistry of the ocean-often called the cradle of life on earth. This can cause damage to marine animals, so just imagine the beauty of the oceans around the world being destroyed. Just like that. And that is inclusive of the renowned Great Barrier Reef! (And of course the others) Warmer waters are bleaching their lovely corals. Oh how can anyone even stand for this?
So, how does global warming cause ocean acidification? Well, for your information, ocean acidification is a side-effect of putting too much carbon dioxide into the skies. This gas ultimately ends up dissolved in the oceans where it forms weak carbon acid. Get it people? Still with me here? You'd better be. That's the simplest way I can put it.
Your next question may be: So how do we stop this? If you've been carefully reading the above, you'll know how. Its obvious really.
Just do your part to stop global warming!
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